zondag 25 oktober 2015

25 Expression Challenge

A challenge to create 25 different drawings of expressions.

The original challenge:
The 25 expressions
Happy        Sad               Pleased    Angry     Confused
Tired        Shocked/Surprised Irritated  WTF?!     Triumph   
Fear         Bereft            Flirty     Serious   Silly
Hollow/Blank Incredulous       Confident  Fierce    Despondent/Pouty
Drunk        Rage              Sarcastic  Disgusted Ill/Nauseous

Some exampleshttp://solitarium.deviantart.com/art/25-Expressions-Challenge-123856647

vrijdag 8 mei 2015

Photoshop / Drawing tutorial resources

Recently, I started looking into drawing portraits and cartoons. Here are a few resources of people that inspire me in the way they teach online or in their style of work.

Aaron Blaise  (https://creatureartteacher.com/)
On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/AaronBlaiseArt/videos

Kienan Lafferty (KNKL)
On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/KienanLafferty

Randy Bisshop (www.facebook.com/randybishopart)
On Youtube; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYDPQzY0vr8Ft-eV6vqmbdw

Robert DeJesus (http://robertdejesus.tumblr.com/)
On Youtube; https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=robert+dejesus

Jim Madsen

portrait - female - first digital painting

First attempt to use Photoshop to create a drawing. I used a small Wacom tablet and stylus. After viewing a few tutorials I was confident enough to start. Using layers, opacity and brushes worked ok, except I found myself messing up some layers in the end. I'm pretty happy with the endresult, although the portrait does not look a lot like the reference picture I used.

For inspiration I watched some tutorials by the inspirational Aaron Blaise (https://creatureartteacher.com/)


dinsdag 24 februari 2015

maandag 5 januari 2015

DevOps talk

DevOpsDays Minneapolis 2014 -- Katherine Daniels, DevOps Is Dead (Long Live DevOps)
